The Woman's Club of Riverhead beginnings on to over 100 years
On October 9th, 1912, a group of intrepid woman formed a club which became known as The Woman’s Club of Riverhead.
We have recently celebrated our 100th Anniversary of this great club. Its purpose was to work together along varied lines for the good of the community, to engage in social endeavors, to promote the general welfare and to engage in the study of the liberal arts and sciences. The club activities centered mainly on the library. Particular attention was given to civic and domestic matters. A village nurse was appointed in the early years.
It has been said that the beginning is the most important part of a work. Early on, The Woman’s Club
Established the Riverhead Free Library
Established a lunch school program
Promoted the need for kindergarten
Began the Red Cross in Riverhead
Sponsored work for the blind
Responsible for the community Christmas tree
Backed all worthwhile community ventures planting trees along streets and supplying refuse containers
Long before the word ecology was popular, members were expressing preservation of our natural resources.
Our charitable contributions through the years have included: The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Central Suffolk Hospital, East End Arts, Hallockville Museum, Suffolk County Historical Society and the restored Fresh Pond One Room School House. One of the main puposes of the club was the establishment of a scholarship program. The program began with two scholarships of $100.00 each in music and nursing. Today the club now awards four $1000.00 scholarships in music, art, education and science.
The Woman’s Club of Riverhead established the first Secret Pal Exchange with the Perkins Adult Home, the only venture of its kind in the L.I. Federation of Women’s Clubs. Not enough can be said about this noble cause. Many hours were given by all members willingly and undocumented.
The club has been served by 53 presidents, woman who have given of their talents and time so this organization could accomplish our many goals. It is this collaboration of leadership, friendship and commitment that has carried The Woman’s Club of Riverhead through 100 years of achievements and it is that which will take us through our next 100 years.
Our motto remains.....
Non Nobis Solum - Not For Ourselves Alone
About Us
The Woman’s Club of Riverhead 100 Years in Retrospect Established in 1912 Many first’s have been established here...